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Bike Power
Meetings - Fall 2022 - TBD


  • Transform a conventional bicycle into a technologically advanced bicycle by installing an electrical system that runs on renewable energy.

  • Some of the additional features include phone chargers, turn signals, and headlights.


Currently, The Bike Power Project Team is in the process of designing the final prototype with 3D printing and attaching the generator.

Due to COVID, meetings may be held both online and in person depending on Akron’s guidelines. If permittable, meetings will be held in person. By the end of the school year, The Bike Power Project Team will end with a celebratory bike ride!

If you are interested, please reach out to All majors and years are encouraged to join. Help ESW bike ride towards a green future!

Project Leaders:

Morgan Ragaller

James Nestor

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Copy of BikePower_Spring4.jpg
  1. This is how we send our most up to date information.

  2. All meetings will be held virtually unless otherwise stated, so you will need the link to join.

  3. Surveys will be sent to members to find out interests and the best times that work for you.

  4. Any events NOT held on Microsoft Teams will have a link sent through email.

  5. Special event reminders will be sent out.

  6. Officer and Project Leader positions and emails, social media links, and the mentoring sign up link is attached to the bottom of every email.

  7. Members can unsubscribe at any time. 

If you have any questions about subscribing to email, please contact us at

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