Engineers for a Sustainable World Return to Campus Plan
The following is a list of procedures that Engineers for a Sustainable World will be practicing until further notice to protect its members from the spread of COVID-19.
All meetings will be held virtually unless hands-on work is required.
Face covering will be required at all times.
Anyone participating in design projects or meetings on campus must have completed their daily symptom check.
Rooms will only be occupied if a 6 ft radius can be maintained by its members. The ability to work outside or in large open spaces will be given priority when possible.
No more than 10 people will be allowed to participate in person at any project build or meeting.
All commonly contacted surfaces will be cleaned after each meeting with University provided cleaning products (e.g. door knobs, counters, tools, tables, chairs, appliances).
All meetings will be held virtually unless hands-on work is required.
Members will be required to wash or sanitize hands prior to any in-person hands-on activity or meeting.
Attendance will be recorded at each in person meeting for contracting tracing.
If you have any questions about our return to campus plan or COVID-19 procedures, please contact us at eswakron@gmail.com.